Your Wedding-Day Emergency Kit
Your Wedding-Day Emergency Kit
Big day. Lots of people. Lots of details. So many chances for minor mishaps that could be resolved easily if only you had the right stuff to fix them. Herewith, a suggested list of supplies that might come in handy for you, your wedding party, or family members. Hotel gift shops and housekeeping departments carry some of these items, and your wedding planner may bring some of them with her, too, but you’ll be ready for almost anything if you have your own stash right at hand.
Pop the list into your purse and bring it with you as you make your ordinary rounds in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Check it when you’re in the drugstore, dollar store, or beauty supply shop and soon you’ll have everything you need.
As a bonus, buy travel-appropriate sizes and packaging and pack everything into a tote. Then you can offload the ones that were wedding-specific and take the rest along on your honeymoon!
For Personal Care and Grooming
Some disposable toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, breath mints or spray, contact lens solution, eye drops, hand lotion, a few tampons and panty liners. Also hairspray, nail polish remover pads, nail polish (both clear and the color you’re wearing), an emery board, super glue, a comb, some bobby pins, hair elastics, Q-tips, and tweezers. Bring sunblock if your wedding is outdoors.
Add a mirror you can use to see the back of your hair and dress, and any makeup you’ll want for touchups. Your perfume, too. Super-fastidious brides might also want to pack some drinking straws so they and their bridesmaids can hydrate themselves pre-wedding (with water or something more festive) after their lipstick is on. Don’t forget tissues for wiping smears as well as tears.
For Minor Medical Issues
Aspirin or other headache reliever, Motrin or other muscle pain reliever, Benadryl or other antihistamine, antacid, anti-diarrheal, antibiotic cream, and Band-Aids. Also, prescription medications and an Epi-pen if either you or the groom use them. If you’ve got room, toss in a can or small bottle of ginger ale; sometimes it’s better than anything else to soothe an unsettled stomach.
For Wardrobe Malfunctions
A sewing needle and thread (white, black, and the color of the bridesmaid dresses), small scissors, safety pins, straight pins, spare earring backs, a lint brush or roller, double-sided fashion tape, no-iron hem tape, stain-removing stick or towelettes, white chalk (for camouflaging stains), anti-static spray or dryer sheets, a travel-size steamer, a travel-size iron, a pair of sheer Peds for anyone who might need them.
If you’ve got written instructions for bustling your dress, don’t forget to bring them. Also consider bringing a pair of white ballet slippers or other comfortable shoes to put on in case a night of dancing leaves your feet howling.
For Miscellaneous Problems
An extension cord, Scotch tape, and extra batteries for whatever might require them. A piece of sandpaper for giving traction to the bottom of a pair of brand new shoes. A book of matches or a lighter. A pen and a pad of paper or post-its. A bottle of club soda.
For the Wedding Itself
Contact lists of vendors and members of the bridal party, copies of your vows and the ceremony and reception schedules, copy of the music playlist (in case the bandleader or DJ left his in the car), cash for unexpected tips or other expenses. Some people recommend bringing “extra” wedding rings, but if by any remote chance yours are misplaced, how much nicer to temporarily borrow rings from family or friends.
For Any Children in the Wedding Party
Bring some non-sticky, non-sugary, won’t-spill munchies to keep them occupied pre-ceremony. Pretzels, bananas, or green grapes shouldn’t pose any problems. Juice boxes could be iffy, but definitely no grape juice. For the big girls and boys among you — yourself included — who might have skipped breakfast or lunch, you could bring a box of energy bars or trail mix. But no grape juice for any of the grownups, either. And that goes for red wine, too.
For the Groom
Duct tape. He will use it to fix everything the rest of the list won’t.