How to Assign Seats at Your Reception
Figuring out your reception seating can quickly give you a migraine. The good news is that finalizing your reception’s seating doesn’t need to cause you more stress. Just follow our tips and it will be smooth sailing from here on out.
To Assign or not to Assign
All seating is not created equal therefore, you must determine which seating is best for your needs. If you are hosting a small wedding with a buffet, you don’t need to have assigned seating. Consequently, if you are having an affair with a larger number of guests as well as multiple food options, it is best if you assign seating. A larger reception will usually have wait staff and it is much easier for them to work seamlessly if they do not need to seek out who ordered the chicken option in a ballroom of 200+ people.
Don’t Delay
Don’t wait until the 25th hour to begin your seating chart. You will already be stressed and chances are the chart will take more time than you anticipated. Begin planning your seating chart the minute you decide on the number of guests. Even if your guest list has yet to be finalized, it will be much easier for you to plan everything if you have a general idea of your seating layout.
Spread it on Thick
A spreadsheet is your best friend when planning your seating. It is easily retrievable, changes are made in an instant and it takes up a lot less room than a traditional seating chart. Start by separating guests into familial affiliations (bride, groom, in-laws, etc.) then take members from these affiliations and assign them to tables. Then, whenever a new guest confirms, fill their name in and select a table and you’re done.
You’ll find that plenty of people agree that planning a seating chart is a big, stressful pain. Fortunately, you don’t need to succumb to that theory. Have a plan from the beginning, stay organized and evaluate your needs and congratulate yourself because you will be ahead of the game.
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